Thursday, April 15, 2010

what to believe

Its crazy how many differing "opinions" there are for what is good for you. sure some things are generally accepted - fried food = bad and fast food = bad
but I have seen conflicting articles on Agave (xagave) being just as bad as HFC or the best sweetener you could use. Chocolate is hailed as a super food in a book I just got, and there are ppl on the internet now claiming that raw Cacao is toxic.
Meat = good or bad
dairy and butter = good or bad.
what is the right path?
Then there is the fact that we don't even really know how our food is produced. you have documentaries out there like Food Inc. demonizing businesses and big farmers for their farming methods, which are atrocious, but the gov't subsidizing corn is just as atrocious, it causes the cows to be fed a non natural diet of corn fostering e-coli. which gets spread to organic food.
Soy used to be god of food, now ppl are avoiding it because it is genetically engeneered to be more productive. which feeds more people. Is it bad for you?

then there is ornanic vs non organic. I don't like the idea of introducing chemicals into my body but in growing my own garden I realize how devastating it is to wake up in the morning to your crop eaten overnight.

what is right?
I like that I have a garden and can't wait for it to be productive.

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